Creating a Template WhatsApp Message

For those who recently used WhatsApp Broadcast, this page will be empty. To proceed, create a WhatsApp Template by selecting the "Add Template" button.

After that, you will be taken to the Create Template page, where you can make the WhatsApp Template you will use. You can create various templates and label them in the Template Name/Display Name fields. Additionally, in the Header column, you have three options: None, Media, or Text.

None means you fill in the WhatsApp template without headers.

For media, you need to add an image, video, and document to the WhatsApp template.

For the Text field, enter a WhatsApp Template with a maximum of 60 characters.

Next, for the text content of the WhatsApp Template itself, you can fill it in directly in the Body column.

Finally, the Buttons feature will give you Quick Reply and Call-to-Action buttons in the WhatsApp Template you will use.

If you have set all these columns, the message you will use later will appear in the preview column.

If everything is filled in, you can immediately press the Submit button.

Once you have corrected the WhatsApp template you want to share, a message will appear confirming your action. If correct, you can immediately press the "Yes, Submit" button.

We will check the WhatsApp template you made, and our team will confirm it. You can use the new WhatsApp template after we verify it.

Last updated