Edit & Remove Member

In addition, to edit or remove members using Member Management, click the button in the right corner of the member list section.

Display list of Member Management

To edit members, press the "Edit Member" button.

Display action on Member Management

Edit: Members' information, including their names, product access, and role interactions, can be edited.

Resend Invitation/Resend Activation: If a member has not verified their email through the activation link and the link has expired, the user can send a new activation link to the member. Once the member has confirmed their email and accessed the Home Dashboard environment, this action will no longer be available.

Delete: This function allows for removing members from the Home Dashboard.

If you have completed any of the tasks mentioned above, click on the Save button to ensure that any changes made are saved.

To resend an invitation or delete a member, follow these steps:

Display in Edit Member
Display of Resend Invitation
Display for Delete Member