OCA SMS OTP Gateway provide solution to send message otp. In order to hit the OCA SMS OTP Gateway, we provide Endpoint url, so client can hit and use the API.
URL ENDPOINT : https://mainapi.ocatelkom.co.id/sms/api/v1
In order to hit OCA SMS OTP API Gateway Endpoint, client must be authenticated. OCA SMS OTP API Gateway uses Basic Authentication. Username and password must be encoded with base64 separated by colon and put the encoded credentials into Authorization Header.
Username: test@gmail.com
Password: test123
Base64Function(test@gmail.com:test123) => dGVzdEBnbWFpbC5jb206dGVzdDEyMw==
Please attach Credentials in Authorization header in your http request like this:
This error codes is additional information to explain what happened when some errors occured. The following table describe the code which may appear when working with OCA SMS OTP Gateway. If an error is not listed in the table, going back to HTTP status codes above in order to determine the best way to address the issues.
Code | Text | Description |
OCA Provides a collection of numbers (Masking) that can be used as the sender id number for each sms otp will be sent
HTTP Method : GET
Endpoint URL :
Property | Type |
The OCA SMS OTP Gateway attempts to return the appropriate HTTP Status Codes for every request
Code | Text | Description |
HTTP Method : GET
Endpoint URL :
Property | Type |
OCA SMS OTP error messages are returned in JSON Format. Each HTTP Status Code will be accompanied by descriptive error text and code. For example, an error might occur.
HTTP Method : POST
Endpoint URL :
Request Body
Property | Type |
Property | Type |
Internal Error
Corresponds with HTTP 500. An unknown internal error occured
Invalid Authentication Credentials
Corresponds with HTTP 401. It indicates the credential is missing or incorrect
Missing Authorization Header
Corresponds with HTTP 406. It indicates Authorization header is not set properly
Corresponds with HTTP 406. There are incorrects or missing parameter in request body, it is like the message_value is not same as the template message
User Is Not Exist
Corresponds with HTTP 404. The certain user setting is not found
Account Expired
Corresponds with HTTP 401. It indicates the client Account is Expired.
Your Quota Is not Enough
Corresponds with HTTP 401. It indicates the client Quota is Runs Out.
200 | OK | Success |
401 | Unauthorized | Missing or Incorrect authentication details |
404 | Not Found | There is no data available, like user setting etc |
406 | Not Acceptable | Response when there is invalid format in request |
500 | Internal Server Error | Something is broken. This is usually a temporary error in server |
sender_id | Array |
| SString (Phone numbers that get from numbers collection) |
| String (Destination phone number) |
| String (Message body) |
| String |
| ISO Date |
| ISO Date |
| String |
| String (numbers or masking number that get from numbers collection) |
| String (Destination phone number) |
| String (Message body) |
| Boolean |
| String |